The “regulatory affairs” section comprises over 200 tasks that need to be completed during the development and approval of medical devices.

Here, you will find an overview of the most essential content so that you can get your device approved quickly.

Regulatory Affairs und Zulassung


On this page, you will find articles on the following topics:

  1. What regulatory affairs is
  2. Regulatory requirements
  3. Authorization and documentation
  4. Authorities, institutions, and associations
  5. Further topics of regulatory affairs

1. What regulatory affairs is

Regulatory affairs comprises the processes and activities that ensure that medical devices meet the regulatory requirements of the countries where they are sold. This includes

  • obtaining the necessary approvals from the regulatory authorities,
  • compliance with applicable regulations and standards, and
  • maintaining conformity throughout the entire product life cycle until decommissioning.

The tasks of regulatory affairs also include monitoring changes to regulations and standards and communicating these changes to stakeholders within the company to ensure continuous compliance.

Regulatory affairs thus plays a crucial role in ensuring that medical devices are safe, effective, and comply with legal requirements.

Further information

Refer also to the article on regulatory affairs managers’ tasks, competencies, and earning potential. This includes the task of developing a regulatory strategy.

2. Regulatory requirements

a) Germany

Laws Medical Devices Law (no longer valid)

Medical Devices Implementation Act MPDG

National regulations Medical Device Operator Ordinance (Medizinprodukte-Betreiberverordnung – MPBetreibV)

Medical Device User Notification and Information Ordinance (Medizinprodukte-Anwendermelde- und Informationsverordnung – MPAMIV)

b) Europe

EU directives (only for existing devices) Medical Device Directive (MDD, 93/42/EEC) and its essential requirements

In-vitro Diagnostic Directive (IVD, 98/79/EC)

Radio Equipment Directive RED

EU regulations Medical Device Regulation MDR

In-Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

AI Regulation (planned)

PFAS Regulation (planned)

EU Battery Regulation

EU Data Act


EU guidelines Overview of MDCG documents


Harmonized standards Overview of harmonized standards. You will find further articles on specific standards and their implementation (also) in these categories:

c) USA

Laws Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act (FD&C)

Administrative Laws (21 CFR)

General information Request for Information: How the FDA helps with classification

FDA eCopy Program

FDA Warning Letters and FDA Form 483 (Form 483)

FDA Inspection

Software Change: What the FDA expects from you

FDA MAUDE Database: Input for risk management

Approval procedure FDA updates “Refuse to Accept Policy” for 510(k)

The FDA Pre-Submission Program

The FDA Software Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program

FDA’s De Novo Program

Level of Concern: What the FDA wants to achieve with this program

Special 510(k): When the FDA will allow this “shortcut”

Breakthrough Devices Program of the FDA

Requirements FDA Human Factors Guidances

The FDA QSIT: Quality System Inspection Technique

The FDA Benefit-Risk Guidance

Recognized Consensus Standards of the FDA

Guidance ‘Interoperable Medical Devices’

Cybersecurity: FDA guidance documents

Complete overview

d) Other markets

see section 3.a)

3. Approval and documentation

a) Approval

Approval of medical devices (overview) Please also note the presentation describing the path to the CE mark as well as the articles “7 steps to a medical device” and “Approval of IVDs.
Conformity assessment procedure (assessing conformity with statutory requirements)
Approval in China
Approval China FDA / NMPA
Approval in Brazil
Approval in Japan
Approval Saudi Arabia (SFDA)
Approval South Korea

Find more information on international approval

b) Qualification and classification (How should my device be classified?)

Qualification as a medical device (medical device yes/no). This also includes the distinction between medicinal products and medical devices, as well as the special case of combination products.
Classification according to MDR Class I, IIa, IIb, III or IVDR Class A, B, C and D
Qualification and classification of software as a medical device
Classification of devices as accessories

c) Technical documentation (What do I need to document for each device?)

Technical documentation (overview)
Intended purpose (the foundation document)
Instructions for use
Clinical evaluation of medical devices according to MEDDEV 2.7/1 rev. 4
Risk management files: risk policy, risk management plan, risk analysis, risk management report
Usability file
Software file, e.g., software requirements specification, software architecture, software tests, software release. Please also note the special features of medical apps (mobile medical apps).
Verification and validation of medical devices
Unique Device Identification

d) Quality management (What should your company fulfill?)

Quality management is not usually the responsibility of regulatory affairs. Nevertheless, we have listed some important articles for you.

Steps to a certified QM system
Audits (especially of quality management systems)
Systems for Post-Market Surveillance and PMCF (Post-Market Clinical Follow-up) and vigilance

4. Authorities, institutions, and associations

a) Germany

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM – Bundesamt für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte)
German Institute for Medical Informatics (DIMDI – Deutsches Institut für medizinische Informatik); has since been integrated into the BfArM
DAkkS, the German accreditation body
State authorities: Regional councils, trade supervisory offices, governments

b) Europe

Notified bodies
NBOG: Notified Body Operations Group
MDCG: Medical Device Coordination Group

c) International

IMDRF: International Medical Device Regulators Forum

5. Regulatory affairs: Further topics

Here, you will find an article on the tasks and competencies of regulatory affairs managers.

Note the advantages and disadvantages of Regulatory Information Management Systems (RIMS) and their role in manufacturers’ digital transformation.

Part of the tasks of regulatory affairs is regulatory intelligence.

Do you still have questions, for example, about the approval of your devices? Then, take advantage of our free micro-consulting service.

If you would like support in developing and “approving” your medical devices in compliance with the law, contact us right away. The Johner Institute team will be happy to help!

Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR) and Post-Market Surveillance report (PMS report)

The MDR and IVDR require either a “Post-Market Surveillance Report” or a “Periodic Safety Update Report” from medical device manufacturers. The Periodic Safety Update Report is abbreviated as “PSUR”, the Post-Market Surveillance reports as “PMS report”. PSUR and PMS report: Regulatory background and objectives The European Commission has significantly increased the requirements for monitoring devices…


PMS data: Do you need to involve an ethics committee when collecting data?

The MDR requires medical device manufacturers to conduct Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) and thus collect PMS data. This article is intended to help clarify the regulatory requirements manufacturers must consider when collecting these PMS data. Notably, it is intended to highlight whether manufacturers need to consult an ethics committee in Europe if the data arise from…


Class I software

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FDA Software Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program

From 2017-2022 the FDA offered a “Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program” to specific companies for standalone software to simplify and accelerate the approval process for digital health devices. This article summarizes the most important aspects and provides a quick overview. Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program The FDA has recognized that software The new approach The agency is,…


Clinical investigations of medical devices under the MDR – The regulatory pathway

The requirements for clinical investigations to evaluate a device have increased enormously under the MDR. Learn the most important things you need to know about the regulatory pathway for clinical investigations under the MDR here. 1. Clinical investigations of medical devices a) Definition and objectives According to the MDR, a clinical investigation is During clinical…
