Countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the USA spend over ten percent of their gross national product on their healthcare systems. However, the systems differ significantly in terms of their efficiency and effectiveness. This is due to both, the legislation, and the varying degrees of digitalization.


On this page, you will find articles on the following topics:

  1. Healthcare
  2. Health IT
  3. Regulatory context

1. Articles on healthcare

In this category, you will find articles on the following topics:

2. Articles on health IT

3. Articles on the regulatory context

a) Product development

If you are faced with the task of developing a device for the healthcare market, then take note of this information:

b) Use and operation of medical devices

These articles are relevant for health institutions:

  • Impact of MDR and IVDR on health institutions such as hospitals
  • Caution with in-house production of medical devices
  • Laboratories: In-house IVD (Lab Developed Tests)
  • Medical Device Operator Ordinance

PDMS (Patient Data Management System): What you should consider from a regulatory perspective

PDMS stands for patient data management system. These clinical information systems are typically used in hospitals, especially in departments that treat patients in intensive care. PMDS are experiencing a new boom in Germany as a result of the funding provided by the Hospital Future Act (Krankenhaus-Zukunftsgesetz, KHZG). This article provides


7 tips for the successful digital transformation of medical device manufacturers

Companies need to master the digital transformation quickly and successfully. This also applies to medical device manufacturers because, after all, their future depends on it. Many companies make severe mistakes during this transformation (see section 4). This article provides managers with a quick overview of the possibilities of digital transformation and gives seven tips to make it…


Planning sample sizes for clinical studies of medical devices and IVDs: The 6 questions your statistician must answer

If you have to conduct a clinical investigation for your medical device or clinical performance study for your IVD, you won’t be able to avoid sample size planning. And you will need to avoid the following two problems when calculating the sample size: Therefore, you need to accurately identify the exact sample size needed so…


Parameterization of software

The parameterization of software – in this context, we can also talk about customizing or configuring software – often leads to discussion, e.g., regarding responsibilities and the differentiation to in-house production. This article gives manufacturers and their customers important advice on what to look out for when parameterizing software and how to avoid the usual pitfalls.
