Luca Salvatore

Berater für internationale Zulassung

Level of Concern and Documentation Level: What the FDA wants to achieve with it

1. Documentation Level: End of Level of Concern On June 14, 2023, the FDA released the guidance document Content of Premarket Submissions for Device Software Functions. This document replaces the guidance document introducing the Level of Concern and only distinguishes between two classes. a) Determination of the classes The FDA no longer defines three “Level…


Medical device certification: Does it exist?

Medical device certification, MDR certification, CE certification. These are terms that are used frequently. But is there even such a thing as medical device certification? This article answers the question. 1. Summary The short answer is: There is no formal medical device certification, CE certification, or MDR certification. However, manufacturers do require certifications or certificates.…


Medical device approval: Approval procedures in the EU and the USA

People often talk about the approval of medical devices, even if something else is meant – sometimes a certificate of conformity, sometimes a “clearance,” sometimes a successfully completed conformity assessment procedure. Terms like “MDR approval” are even misleading. This article clarifies what a medical device approval means and when manufacturers need one in the first…


Special authorizations for medical devices: Last resort for manufacturers?

Special authorizations are a concept of the MDR (Article 59). In this way, the legislator wants to create a possibility to place medical devices on the market in emergency or exceptional cases, even without having gone through a complete or successful conformity assessment procedure. Special authorizations should not be confused with concessions and exemptions under…
