Cytotoxicity testing according to EN ISO 10993-5: Avoiding pitfalls when choosing a laboratory

Cytotoxicity testing can be used to test a sample to determine how much it can damage, or even cause the death of, human cells. Standards and legislation require manufacturers to demonstrate that their devices are not cytotoxic. With a good test setup, it is possible to detect whether a sample is 100% cytotoxic, i.e., highly cytotoxic, or…


Avoid the five most common mistakes when submitting a Premarket Notification (510(k))

The 510(k), also known as “Premarket Notification”, is one of the most common procedures for the authorization of medical devices in the USA. The concept is based on demonstrating equivalence with a predicate device (equivalent device). But the same mistakes, which can result in the entire 510(k) authorization failing, are made time and again. It…


Post-Market Surveillance and monitoring of devices on the market

Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) is a proactive and systematic process to derive necessary corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) from information about medical devices already placed on the market. We have created a Post-Market Surveillance checklist for you. With this checklist, you can find out whether you meet the regulatory requirements of the MDR for Post-Market Surveillance…


Distributor requirements (that also affect the manufacturers)

The medical device regulations have significantly increased the requirements for distributors. You need to understand these requirements to avoid multi-year custodial sentences threatened in the event of infringement. This article also considers extensive guidance issued by the Irish regulator. 1. What a “distributor” is (and what it isn’t) a) Definition The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) has many…


The Machinery Directive: Which parts apply to medical devices?

The Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) is generally applicable to machines of all types. However, the directive can also be relevant for medical device manufacturers: both the MDR and the IVDR refer to it. If the Machinery Directive comes into play, requirements that go beyond those of the MDR and IVDR apply. Therefore, this article will give you an…


ISO 20417:2021 – Finally some clear requirements for accompanying information

ISO 20417:2021 Medical devices – Information to be supplied by the manufacturer establishes requirements for the general information that manufacturers have to supply with their medical devices and IVD devices. The authors have succeeded in presenting the criteria in a clear and comprehensible manner. ISO 20417:2021 is also on the list of standards to be…


Substance-based medical devices: What you need to do now in order to continue marketing your legacy device under the MDR

  Manufacturers of substance-based medical devices such as seawater nasal sprays, mucous membrane-soothing cough syrups, or osmotically active laxatives face several challenges once the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) came into force: This article illustrates what can be done to overcome the regulatory hurdles and ensure the marketability of your substance-based medical devices beyond the transition…


Verification and validation of IVD medical devices

IVD medical device validation confirms the device’s medical purpose. IVD medical device verification, on the other hand, proves whether the IVD works as intended. In this article, we provide a five-step guide on how to carry out the verification and validation of your IVD medical devices in a targeted manner and without unnecessary effort. We…
