Ulrich Hafen

Supplier evaluation – supplier selection – supplier audits

The MDR and IVDR, as well as ISO 13485:2016, just like the FDA, set out clear requirements regarding supplier evaluation, supplier selection, and supplier monitoring. This article not only gives you an overview of the regulatory requirements. It also gives you tips on how to implement them and tells you when a supplier audit is necessary. 1. Basics of supplier management a) Examples…


Sampling kits from a regulatory perspective

The term “sampling kit” is not defined by the IVDR or any other regulation. Nevertheless, there are (indirect) regulatory requirements that IVD manufacturers and medical laboratories must be aware of and consider. The requirements depend on the particular constellation. This article presents five constellations. It provides clarity and helps to avoid regulatory hassles and minimize…


Creating Standard Operating Procedures for QM

In a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), companies define their processes, for example how they develop medical devices or provide services. Standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 require Standard Operating Procedures. Companies can define these specifications in their quality management manual directly or in independent documents. 1. Standard Operating Procedures: introduction, definitions a) Definition ISO…


Quality Management Representative

The Quality Management Representative (QMR) is also called the quality representative or “management representative” by ISO 13485. In this article, you will learn which tasks the person with this role is responsible for within an organization and which regulatory requirements must be observed. 1. Regulatory requirements a) Requirements of ISO 13485 The requirements of ISO…
