Christian Rosenzweig

Probability of software defects

The probability of software defects is difficult to estimate. It’s so difficult that the “old” DIN EN IEC 62304:2006 wrote: “However, there is no agreement on how to determine the probability of the occurrence of software failures using traditional statistical methods.” The standard concluded that “the probability of such a malfunction must be assumed to…


Common Specifications – Competing with standards?

Both the MDR and IVDR introduce the concept of Common Specifications. Definition of Common Specifications MDR and IVDR define Common Specifications as follows: Purpose of Common Specifications EU Directives, such as the MDD and IVDD, as well as EU Regulations, such as the MDR and IVDR impose so-called general requirements on all medical devices must meet. If the requirements are not met, manufacturers must not…


FTA: Fault Tree Analysis

Fault Tree Analysis is a procedure used to search for unknown causes of known effects (in the case of medical devices, harms or hazards). It, therefore, counts as a top-down procedure in risk analysis. Fault Tree Analysis: Notation The name Fault Tree Analysis already clarifies how it is represented graphically: As a tree. Both mind…
