The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is an EU regulation that manufacturers who wish to place medical devices on the market in the EU must comply with. It also affects distributors and importers of these devices as well as notified bodies.

Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices, which is the official title of the MDR, came into force in 2017 and applies since May 26, 2021.


The Medical Device Regulation has been amended several times. You can find the consolidated version of the MDR in German and in English. These also contain the transitional periods that were extended in March 2023.

Manufacturers of in vitro diagnostics should read the article on the IVDR.

Gaining an insight into the Medical Device Regulation

Medical device manufacturers

This article on the MDR provides you with an initial overview of the Medical Device Regulation. The video linked therein presents the EU Medical Device Regulation in just a few minutes. You will also find:

  1. the most relevant requirements of the MDR
  2. the structure of the regulation
  3. further information, e.g., on the transitional periods

Other stakeholders

If you are not a medical device manufacturer, you should start with these pages:

At the bottom of this keyword article, you will find all other articles on the MDR.

Support with the implementation of the MDR

a) Free offers

Do you still have questions about the MDR and its implementation? You can get answers in our free micro-consulting.

Download the free starter kit. It gives you an overview of the regulatory landscape and shows you the 6 steps to “approval” of your medical device. It also contains the MDR checklist as a PDF and in DOCX format!

b) Videos and e-learning

The video training courses at our Medical Device University show you step-by-step how to create your technical documentation and QM system in a lean, fast, and MDR-compliant way. Over 100 templates and sample documents are available for download.

In this way, you create the prerequisites for approving your devices quickly and safely and launching them on the market.

c) Verification and validation

The experts at the Johner Institute can help you verify and validate your devices:

d) Consulting

Benefit from the know-how of our regulatory affairs experts to

Contact us immediately so we can clarify together how you can quickly and efficiently meet the regulatory requirements of the MDR and bring your devices safely to market.

Contact us

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