DAkkS: What’s behind the outrage about ISO 13485?

The DAkkS, the German Accreditation Body, is Germany’s national accreditation authority. Recently, manufacturers, associations, and certification bodies have been raising their voices against the DAkkS. It is being vilified as an example of how German bureaucracy nips any innovation in the bud. What is the truth of these accusations? Are they justified? This article presents…


Approval of IVDs (in vitro diagnostic medical devices) in the EU

In vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) are medical devices used to analyze samples derived from the human body. Typically, these products are reagents, kits, instruments, and devices. Software can also be considered as an IVD regarding its intended purpose. When “approving IVDs,” manufacturers must comply with many regulations, laws, and standards. 1. Significant steps for…


Classification of in-vitro diagnostic medical devices: how to avoid a too-high classification

The classification of in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) can have far-reaching consequences, as it has an impact on the conformity assessment procedure, certification audits, and, thus, on market launch. To ensure that your IVD product is not unnecessarily allocated to a high-risk class, this article provides an overview of 1. What qualifies a product as an IVD?…


Remediation: When things hit the fan

“Remediation” is often synonymous with maximum stress: Notified bodies or authorities such as the FDA have discovered significant deviations that must be remedied with the highest priority and without regard to the workload of employees or budgets. This article will help you to complete such “remediation projects” in such a way that 1. Remediation: First…
