Dr. Sophie Bartsch

General laboratory equipment: What manufacturers and laboratories need to know to avoid problems and unnecessary expense

One assumption persists: General laboratory equipment such as PCR cyclers, NGS devices, fragment analyzers, centrifuges, pipetting robots, and extraction kits must bear a CE-IVD marking. Is this correct? There is often a lack of clarity about Hence, there are uncertainties, in order not to make themselves liable to prosecution. This article provides clarity and gives…


Laboratory products for “Research Use Only” (RUO) – often a dangerous claim

Manufactures use the “Research Use Only” (RUO) label to declare that their products should not be used in diagnostic procedures. This enables them to avoid the time-consuming and costly documentation required for conformity-assessed in vitro diagnostic medical devices (CE-IVDs). Nevertheless, some medical laboratories still use RUO products in diagnostic procedures, sometimes even with the knowledge…


Companion Diagnostics (CDx) – Strictly monitored in vitro diagnostic devices

Companion Diagnostics (also known as CDx) are used together with a medicinal product. Physicians use them, for example, to make sure that a particular medicinal product is actually suitable for a patient. This means that CDx play a particularly important role in personalized medicine. As the Companion Diagnostic and the medicinal product are inseparably linked,…
