Prof. Dr. Christian Johner

Inhaber der Johner Institut GmbH

FDA Software Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program

From 2017-2022 the FDA offered a “Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program” to specific companies for standalone software to simplify and accelerate the approval process for digital health devices. This article summarizes the most important aspects and provides a quick overview. Precertification (Pre-Cert) Pilot Program The FDA has recognized that software The new approach The agency is,…


Regulatory affairs: Service provider, company, individual – liability for mistakes

Many people ask about the liability of individuals, management, and the company. After all, it is not only the Medical Devices Regulations that impose fines and imprisonment. The question of liability also arises for development service providers. Liability in Germany: Differentiating between criminal and civil law Civil law: Parties involved In civil law, the question…
