EU Battery Regulation: What medical device manufacturers need to know

The EU plans to replace the existing Directive 2006/66/EC with the new EU Regulation on batteries and waste batteries (“Battery Regulation”). This article clarifies, 1. Background a) Objective With the Battery Regulation, the EU aims to modernize the legal framework for batteries. The regulation is a response to calls for a comprehensive revision and expansion…


Sampling kits from a regulatory perspective

The term “sampling kit” is not defined by the IVDR or any other regulation. Nevertheless, there are (indirect) regulatory requirements that IVD manufacturers and medical laboratories must be aware of and consider. The requirements depend on the particular constellation. This article presents five constellations. It provides clarity and helps to avoid regulatory hassles and minimize…


FDA Human Factors Guidances

The FDA describes its requirements for Human Factors Engineering in two documents: This article What the FDA calls “Human Factors Engineering” (HFE), IEC 62366-1 calls “Usability Engineering“. The FDA defines the term as follows: 1. How the FDA’s “Human Factors Guidances” interact In the introduction to the document “Content of Human Factors Information in Medical…


Clinical evidence: How to prove it

Only through clinical evidence – real evidence – can manufacturers prove their medical devices’ safety, performance, and benefit. But when is proof valid enough? In other words, when is there sufficient clinical evidence for authorities and notified bodies to accept? This article answers the questions and provides a compact introduction to the topic of “clinical…
