Special authorizations for medical devices: Last resort for manufacturers?

Special authorizations are a concept of the MDR (Article 59). In this way, the legislator wants to create a possibility to place medical devices on the market in emergency or exceptional cases, even without having gone through a complete or successful conformity assessment procedure. Special authorizations should not be confused with concessions and exemptions under…


Common Specifications – Competing with standards?

Both the MDR and IVDR introduce the concept of Common Specifications. Definition of Common Specifications MDR and IVDR define Common Specifications as follows: Purpose of Common Specifications EU Directives, such as the MDD and IVDD, as well as EU Regulations, such as the MDR and IVDR impose so-called general requirements on all medical devices must meet. If the requirements are not met, manufacturers must not…


IEC 60601-1-2: New edition on electromagnetic compatibility of medical devices

In May 2016, the German version of IEC 60601-1-2:2014 (Edition 4) was published as DIN EN 60601-1-2:2016 with the title “Electromagnetic disturbances – Requirements and tests.” At the end of 2020, a new version of this “EMC standard” – modified by Amendment 1 and called Edition 4.1 – was published. 1. What is electromagnetic compatibility? a) Electromagnetic immunity Medical…


MDR Classification Rule 11: The classification nightmare?

The MDR contains the Classification Rule 11. This rule is especially for software. The Rule 11 has serious implications: it bears the potential to further undermine Europe’s innovation capacity. Manufacturers should familiarize themselves with the MDCG’s interpretation to avoid misclassifying software and to be able to follow the reasoning of notified bodies and authorities. This article…
